Chewable Nutritional Supplement in controlling their diabetes.
Diabetes is such a prolific health condition that affects a large part of our modern day society. Every year, millions upon millions of people die from complications caused by this disease.
It is an insidious condition that slowly, but gradually leads to serious, and oftentimes life threatening conditions. It affects organs and certain body parts as such:
Eyes - Eyesight can be severely affected by long-term diabetes. There is a good chance of losing eyesight with the following conditions: cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy.
Kidneys - are one of the most affected by diabetes, progressing to kidney failure, with the patient needing regular dialysis to survive. Symptoms may include:
· Swelling of the hands, feet, and face
· Weight gain from edema
· Itching and/or drowsiness (This can occur with end stage kidney disease.)
It is recommended that diabetics have their urine checked for protein at least once a year. Protein in the urine is a sign of kidney disease. Detection and early treatment may slow and decrease the severity of the disease.
Heart and Brain - If you have diabetes, you have an increased chance for heart disease and strokes. Heart disease is the major cause of death in people with diabetes. It is important to control other risks such as high blood pressure and high fats (cholesterol), as well as blood sugar.
Nerves, Legs and Feet - High blood sugars can lead to poor blood flow and nerve damage. This can also lead to slow healing of wounds and sores. You can experience severe pain, but you can also lose feeling in your feet. In serious cases, this may lead to amputation of your toes, foot, or leg.
Sexual and Urological Problems - Men with diabetes will experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED) as they get older. This is largely due to the poor circulation of blood. Both men and women will also have an increased risk of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) due to the high glucose levels in urine, which creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth.
Sleep Problems - Many diabetics, especially those of more advanced ages, often suffer from shorter and less restful sleep. This is caused by many internal factors such as imbalanced hormones, frequent urination, thirst, restless or painful legs and other reasons.
Chews4Health and Diabetes
Over the course of my promoting this product, I have personally witnessed numerous testimonials from people that have been helped with their diabetes.
They were reporting substantial decreases in their blood sugar (from FBS-Fasting Blood Sugar Tests), better sleep, pain relief and even limbs saved from amputation due to diabetic feet.
So now I am sharing with you how they managed to cope with their disease, so that you may also lead a normal, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Are you a diabetes sufferer? Type 1 or 2? Want to see your blood sugar levels go down using natural methods?
CONTACT ME NOW. The longer you wait, the more damage your diabetes is doing to your organs and whole body.