Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Better Skin with Chews4Health

As social creatures, our skin's condition has always been a big concern for most of us. Beauty is often attributed to smooth, youthful looking skin. Having healthy skin  makes a person look more fresh and young. This is especially true for women who always want to look beautiful and youthful; so healthy skin is definitely one of the most important things of concern.  

Chews4Health, with its Full Spectrum Nutrition from Whole Food Ingredients have been praised as an effective skin-improving supplement. In fact, it has been named, " Best New Anti-Aging Product" by the US TV Show, "Beauty Spaces".

The superior nutrition in Chews gives us an overall healthier body. And since health starts from the inside, it will soon shows on our skin. Also, the seaweed ingredients' nutrients in Chews helps give us glossier hair and luminous, beautiful, smooth skin. Seaweeds are also a natural source of iodine, which greatly helps in thyroid balance. Dry, scaly skin is often associated with iodine deficiency.

Here are some more proven tips that if you follow, will help you get a better, healthier looking skin in no time:

Avoid smoking. Smoking inhibits circulation, especially the small capillaries in the skin, thus making the skin dry and dull. Making it easy to develop wrinkles, especially on the skin around the mouth.

Nutrition and the Elderly

Here is a very informative article I got from SparkPeople.com. I feel Chews4Health is such a relevant product for our seniors, so I added some of my views in this copy.

Nutrition and the Elderly
Are the Seniors in Your Life Eating Well?

Eating well is important at any age. But health issues and physical limitations sometimes make it difficult for seniors, the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population, to get the nutrients they need for a balanced diet. Poor nutrition and malnutrition occur in 15 to 50 percent of the elderly population. But the symptoms of malnutrition (weight loss, disorientation, lightheadedness, lethargy and loss of appetite) can easily be mistaken for illness or disease. If you are a full- or part-time caretaker for an elderly parent or grandparent, there are plenty of steps you can take to help your loved ones maintain good nutrition as they age. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


In this day and age, it would virtually be impossible to say: " I've never taken any artificial multivitamins since I was born." Multivitamins are probably one of the most regularly bought and ingested materials there is on this planet.  Pharmaceutical companies rake in billions of dollars from its sales yearly.

But are multivitamins really that effective?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Chews4Health Chewables for Vegan Diet Support

Hello Guys! In this article, I will discuss why Chews4Health Nutritional Chewables can be a valuable ally in getting proper nutrition for vegans.

Is Chews 4 Health recommended for a Vegan or Vegetarian diet?

Yes. Chews-4-Health contains no ingredients of animal origin or dairy products . In addition to a variety of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables from both land and sea, Chews-4-Health also contains Vitamin B12. Vegetarians often have low serum B12 levels and since there isn't an adequate source of vitamin B12 in plant foods, The American Dietetic Association has stated that vegetarians are at risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency and supplementing their diets with B12 is highly recommended.

Weight Loss Support with Chews4Health

There have been a lot of interest with using Chews4Health Chewable Nutrition as a weight loss agent. This is certainly possible, and in fact, I've known and seen people achieve solid results doing it. Here are some facts to establish our foundation for the systematic use of Chews4Health chewables for weight loss:

The Modern Diet and Obesity

It is common fact that there are more overweight people in developed countries. If we will look at the diet of people in these places, they usually consume more cooked and processed foods as compared to those in less developed areas where they usually grow and catch their own foods. As cooking and processing drastically reduces the nutritional value of food, people in developed countries usually have to eat more to fulfill their daily nutritional needs. They would still feel "deprived" even though they ate larger portions. This is one of the main reasons why it is harder to control food intake. Most foods of today are just simply more caloric than nutritious.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sea Vegetables Benefits

Hey guys, I've come across this great article that talks about seaweeds(Sea Vegetables) and their benefits from Oceanvegetables.com. Here it is.

Seaweed Benefits

Did you know that… Sushi rolls are 20 times healthier than green salad?

Getting to know nutritious seaweed benefits

Love sushi? Enjoy sinking your teeth into those tasty, melt-in-your-mouth Japanese hors d’oeuvres? Yes, those yummy, soft, sweet rice and fish, wrapped in crispy seaweed? Then you’re getting a health bonus:

They are more nutritious than green salad!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement - Review and Impression

The Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement has been making a big splash among the US and Philippine MLM Communities. Its being promoted as a unique, first-to-market supplement that has a high nutrient content and superior absorption characteristics as compared to other brands and forms.

My take on this? Well, it works for me. As a long time skeptic of mlm based supplements, this product has so far changed my general perception that all mlm based supplements are just scams to make you part with your hard earned cash. Also, during my research on Chews4Health, I've also learned a lot of valuable information on how proper and balance nutrition can help with today's imbalanced and stressful diet and lifestyle. The following are about the Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement and my personal experiences with using it for the past 2 months, my impressions and experience with using this groundbreaking product.