Chews4Health Chewables is a food supplement that contains 16 Powerful, Health-Giving Ingredients that has been personally proven by our multitude of users to give the following benefits:
- Immune System Booster - Protection against diseases caused by bacteria and viruses
- Anti-Aging - Prolonged use improves skin texture, lessened wrinkles and gives an overall youthful appearance. Beauty from the inside, out. It also protects the cells from harmful free radicals from radiation, pollution, stress and toxins, which cause premature aging and diseases.
- Faster Healing and Recovery - The Full-Spectrum Nutrition that Chews4Health provides gives your body all the materials it needs to heal itself more efficiently from damage caused by stress, disease, and other harmful factors.
- Hormonal Balancer - Thyroid support. Helps with hormonal imbalance symptoms such as: migraine, loss of libido, sleep trouble(insomnia), fatigue, irritability, weight gain, PMS, infertility, etc.
- Diabetes Support - Chews has been proven by our diabetic users to significantly help lower their blood sugar.
- Cardiovascular Support -Several Ingredients in Chews4Health has been shown to help people with hypertension and cardiovascular problems by improving circulation, reducing cholesterol and improved organ health.
- Weight Loss - Improved Metabolism
- Liver Support - General Liver Health and Fatty Liver Support
- Improved Stamina, More Energy for All-Ages
- Wrinkle Eraser - Overall Youthful Appearance!
- Asthma Support - Great for Lung Health
- Improved Eyesight - High in Natural Beta Carotin and other Eye Health Nutrients
- Improved Digestive System Health- Detoxification and Improved Intestinal Balance
- Optimal Growth for Children - Brain and Body Development, Great for Kids!
- Helps Body Detoxify - Contains Chlorophyll and other detoxifying nutrients
- Pain Management - Proven to reduce or eliminate pain from Arthritis and Rheumatism
- Improved Brain Function - Memory and Mental Focus
- Proven Ideal for Seniors' Health - Great for the Elderly!
Being composed of the world's most nutrient dense foods, Chews4Health chewables are nutritionally equivalent to 1 kilo of fruits and vegetables. This serves to balance your daily diet and provides much needed essential phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients your body needs on a daily basis. Over time, this leads to much improved over-all health, vitality, feeling of well-being and physical condition.
Chews-4-Health™ Chewable Dietary Supplement is a delicious-tasting, doctor-formulated, all-natural, whole food chewable dietary supplement which contains 16 ingredients (4 Exotic Super Fruits, 4 Nutrient Dense Sea Vegetables, 4 Power Packed Antioxidants, 4 Potent Fruit Concentrates) derived from nature’s most nutrient-rich sources from around the world ….The Best from Land and Sea™. This nutrient rich combination cannot be found in any other product on the market.

Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 super fruits: Goji, Noni, Acai and Mangosteen. These fruits and berries offer tremendous health enhancing qualities and contain hundreds of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, fiber and phytonutrients. The 4 “Super Fruits” contained in Chews-4-Health™ – Goji, Noni, Acai and Mangosteen are considered by many experts to be the most nutrient rich fruits the world has to offer. Our carefully selected super-fruit complex gives you the power of all 4 in one supplement.*
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 super antioxidants: Vitamin B12, Resveratrol, Folic acid and Alpha lipoic acid. What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants work by neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals, rendering them harmless to your body. This helps protect your skin and body from the ravaging effects of premature aging*.
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 select fruit concentrates: Pomegranate, Blueberry, Cranberry and Raspberry. These carefully selected fruits were chosen as part of the formulation because of their combined health enhancing properties. The majority of healthcare professionals now believe there is a clear association between overall health and a diet high in fruits. However, most people fail to eat the government’s recommended 5 servings of fruit per day. Do you eat that much fruit? Chews-4-Health™ can help fill that void for those who don’t.
Chews-4-Health™ contains 4 sea vegetables: Kelp, Nori, Dulse and Bladderwrack. Sea Vegetation is considered superior to vegetables grown on land because they do not contain the genetic modification and chemicals frequently used in farming. Our sea vegetable blend contains up to 70 naturally-occurring plant source minerals from A to Z. Sea vegetables provide a rich source of minerals in the vegetable kingdom because they don’t rely on land soil but have access to the abundance of minerals found in the ocean. Sea vegetables are virtually fat-free, low in calories and offer soluble, plant-based trace elements.* Click Here to View Dr. Friedman discuss the importance of Sea Vegetables on Lifetime Television.
- Doctor Formulated & Doctor Approved
- No Pasteurization/No Boiling
- No Harmful Preservatives
- Certified Organic / Whole Food Nutrition
- Sugar Free / Gluten Free
- Easy and Convenient to Take Anywhere
- Tastes GREAT - Kids LOVE Chews-4-Health
- Finest Quality Ingredients
- Affordable: 1/10 the Price of “Super Fruit” Juices, 5x the effectiveness
- Assures your Family is Getting the Nutrition they Need on a Daily Basis!
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