As what our founder and CEO, Dr. David Friedman's take on the popular saying: "You are what you eat", he often says in his TV and radio appearances: "You are what you absorb". This is especially true as to the kind, and potency of nutrition our modern foods have become in this day and age.
In this video, the top authorities on nutrition and health talk about the condition of nutrition and going back to using food as treatment for our ailments in this present days. Taking a quote from the father of medicine, Hippocrates, he said:
"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food."
Today, mainly due to the conditioning of many ads and supposed "health authorities", we now think that food is there merely to quench hunger, and nutrition mainly comes from pills and tablets. And our first thought in treating illness is to turn to pharmaceutical drugs over the counter or from the family doctor.
Contrary to present day beliefs and practices, this is a relatively new mindset. This paradigm has caused us to turn our backs from the basic truth: food was meant to be the main source of nutrition and health. This deviation from our natural physical nature is undoubtedly the very source of the diseases that plague our world today. And this video: "Food Matters" expands our knowledge about this subject and how we can make it work for us and our loved ones.
Food Matters, a movie produced by James Colquhoun, Laurentine ten Bosch, and Enzo Tedeschi is an 80-minute long, fast-paced re-education for the layman on the basics of good health, which incidentally is the only way to prevent disease from occurring in the first place. The film presents powerful evidence in support of ancient wisdom that regards food as medicine, and offers practical solutions to the current health crisis.
What You Will Learn from this Film
As summarized on the Food Matters' website, by watching this film you will get answers to the following questions, and straight facts on:
How you can use food as medicine
Who needs vitamins?
Is organic really better?
How safe is your food?
Foods that fight anxiety and depression
Natural therapies for cancer
Which drugs might do more harm than good?
The best ways to detox, lose weight and keep it off!
Food Matters really delivers a well-rounded view of the elements required for health, starting with the food supply itself, and the devastating effects modern food manufacturing has had on the quality of our food. Soil depletion is a direct result of modern agricultural practices, and has led to crops containing fewer nutrients. The answer, of course, lies in reverting back to organic and sustainable agriculture. The largest study conducted into organic food confirmed that the idea that organically grown foods are healthier for you is not wishful fantasy. It's a fact.
Another quote by Hippocrates, which is part of the Hippocratic Oath still recited by modern doctors today, is "First, do no harm." Unfortunately, the preoccupation with the idea that there must be "a pill for every ill" now greatly compromises this oath, because the practice of medicine is primarily focused on drugs that oftentimes do FAR more harm than good… Meanwhile, modern doctors receive virtually no training in nutrition.
Some of the discoveries of that four-year long study are:
- Organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 40 percent more antioxidants
- Organic produce had higher levels of beneficial minerals like iron and zinc
- Milk from organic herds contained up to 90 percent more antioxidants
When evaluating food and nutrition, it's also important to understand what happens to the nutrients of a food when it is processed; and also the potential harm that can be caused by adding chemicals such as preservatives, flavorings and colorants. Our groceries and stores are filled to the brim with ultra-processed foods that not only contain ingredients grown in depleted, pesticide-laden soils to begin with, but are further depleted of real nutrients through processing; in the end providing very little beyond empty calories.
Food as Medicine
Fatigue is a modern-day epidemic, particularly in the United States. In the film, Victor Zeines states that fatigue-related ailments should be viewed as "chronic malnutrition." With proper diet, fatigue is simply not an issue. Feeling "awake" and vibrantly alive is part and parcel of optimal health.
Ian Brighthope also makes an excellent point when he explains that each day you neglect proper nutrition by eating thoughtlessly, your body is entering deeper and deeper into a state of nutrient deficiency. And you cannot make up for it by loading up on veggies every now and again. Nutrition is literally fuel for your cells and organs, and you need to feed your body the proper fuel each and every day, not just once in a while. As Brighthope says, sooner or later you will have to pay for this neglect, and this "payment due," of course, comes in the form of disease, premature aging, and physical degeneration.
Well, since improper nutrition caused the problem (and poor diet is at the heart of nearly ALL disease, from colds and flu's to cancer), wouldn't it make sense then that the corrective action needed is proper nutrition?
Dr. Andrew Saul hits the nail on the head when he brings up the point that "the public relations problem of nutrients," is that each nutrient "is good for too many things." Quite simply, it sounds too good to be true!
One nutrient stands out as it can be beneficial for an astounding number of health problems, and that is vitamin D . Its benefits are so profound and multi-varied that a 2008 meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials concluded supplemental vitamin D significantly reduces mortality from ALL causes.
Food Matters also includes a discussion on the health benefits of vitamin C, which has been shown to prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases, from the common cold, to near-terminal cases of the H1N1 swine flu, to cancer. I can personally attest to this, as I've been using vitamin C since childhood. I know how my body feels on the onset of a cold or fever, loading up on this vitamin coupled with a good night's rest usually helps my body's immune system cope.
Background of Food Matters
The background story of how this film was produced is just as fascinating as the film itself. It was originally created to convince James' father, Ray, to step out of the "conventional thinking box" and really start to consider his options. Ray was bedridden with severe flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety, and like most people, he sought professional help. Unfortunately, the conventional approaches left him feeling even worse than before; inching ever closer to despair. To read the full back story, please see the Food Matters website.
Here's a snippet:
"Psychiatrists and medical specialists recommended a myriad of drugs that did nothing to alleviate Roy's physical ailments and, Roy asserts, actually worsened his mental condition. Roy explains his attitude at the time was, "If the best of the medical profession could not help me, how could my son and daughter-in-law with their nutrition and vitamin-based approach help?"
James and Laurentine understood that it would take powerful measures to shock Roy into kicking his dangerous pharmaceutical drug habit. After realizing that he wasn't reading the books that they sent him, the duo set off around the world interviewing experienced doctors, researchers, naturopaths and journalists. Their reasoning was that if Roy wouldn't read the books then maybe he would listen to these experts on DVD."
Their scheme worked… In the interview on their site, Ray explains what happened next:
"… After five years on heavy doses of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anxiety medication and sleeping tablets, I started taking therapeutic doses of vitamins and minerals and within a week had withdrawn from all prescription medication." Today, he is disease-free, drug-free, twenty kilograms lighter, running twice a week and enjoying a happy retirement. Roy's return to health was incredibly inspiring evidence of the power of nutritional therapy."
To me, Ray's story is a perfect example of just how simple it can be. Not necessarily easy, as it requires you to shift your perceptions and alter your habits, which most people resist doing, but it's simple in that it's not rocket science. Most people do not need any new and improved drug, they simply need proper nutrition…
Changing our Mindset
This video definitely has the power to change people's perspectives, since it points out truthful information about our current realities, the connections that link food, health, and disease. Once we understand the Truth that food can equate to "medicine", both preventive and therapeutic, we realize that it's so self-evident that it simply cannot be ignored and opposed forever.
This Truth has always been that way since the first humans walked this earth. In fact, our physiology is very much the same as that of the first men and women, and nature definitely didn't have nor intended for us to use pills and tablets during those ancient times. We took our nutrition by eating fruits, vegetables and leaves fresh from the plants and trees that they grew from. We all know that, right?
On Modern Medicine
Modern medicine definitely has its place, and is irreplaceable when it comes to major trauma and emergency situations. But as the interviewed experts in this film point out, "not every problem requires costly, major medical attention." For most diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disorders, just to name a few, there are many alternative therapies (including simple dietary changes) that can be more effective than conventional medical treatments—not to mention more economical, less harmful and invasive. With little or no long-term side-effects.
So please, take the time to watch this film with your family, and share it with everyone you know. It just might save your life, or the life of someone you care about.
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