Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement - Review and Impression

The Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement has been making a big splash among the US and Philippine MLM Communities. Its being promoted as a unique, first-to-market supplement that has a high nutrient content and superior absorption characteristics as compared to other brands and forms.

My take on this? Well, it works for me. As a long time skeptic of mlm based supplements, this product has so far changed my general perception that all mlm based supplements are just scams to make you part with your hard earned cash. Also, during my research on Chews4Health, I've also learned a lot of valuable information on how proper and balance nutrition can help with today's imbalanced and stressful diet and lifestyle. The following are about the Chews4Health Chewable Dietary Supplement and my personal experiences with using it for the past 2 months, my impressions and experience with using this groundbreaking product.

Chews4Health and Its 16 Super-Ingredients

For starters, let us first know more about the product. Chews4Health is a All-Natural, Full Spectrum, Whole-Food Nutritional Supplement. This means it contains all of the essential nutrients needed by the human body, made from all-organic, whole food ingredients. We call them "Super Ingredients" because they are the most nutritionally dense and most potent foods in today's times. All these in a compact and convenient, 3000+milligrams, deliciously healthy chewable tablet, up to 6 times more than other supplements, per serving!

Now, let me present to you the list of "Superstar Ingredients" that Chews4Health contains:

4 Super Fruits - Goji, Noni, Mangosteen and Acai
4 Sea Vegetables - Kelp, Nori, Dulse, Bladderwrack
4 Super Antioxidants - B12, Folic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), and Resveratrol
4 Select Fruits - Pomegranate, Blueberry, Cranberry, Raspberry

As you can see, the ingredients of Chews4Health are superstars in their own rights individually. In fact, a lot of businesses carry them individually as their products. It is only Chews4Health that these super ingredients came together as a powerful, synergistic blend.

4 Super Fruits - The super fruits in chews are recognized to be the most potent and nutritionally- dense natural foods around the world.

4 Sea Vegetables - Are the most potent, mineral-rich content ingredients of Chews4Health. Up to 60 times more nutritious than land based greens! They are virtually fat-free, low in calories and offer soluble plant-based trace trace elements. They are also a rich source of chlorophyll and protein.

4  Super Antioxidants - Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals which are actually the cause of many ailments and diseases. They also help protect the skin and body from environmental stress, preventing premature aging.

4 Select Fruits - Are not only the delicious, flavor-giving component of Chews, but they also offer benefits by themselves by also having phytonutrients, high vitamin and antioxidant content.

How do we make sure that Chews actually contains these ingredients?

Chews has been reviewed by various third party organizations. One of these is the NSF, a US-based non-profit organization for standards development and product certification. An NSF certification, in a nutshell, means that the product has actually been verified to really contain the ingredients claimed on it packaging.

Additionally, Chews4Health's manufacturer has earned an "A" rating from the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certification Program. This prestigious certification and GMP standing assures Chews-4-Health Inc.'s commitment to giving the highest quality ingredients and the most stringent standards in the industry.

Proper Nutrition, Living and Chews4Health

As I have researched about all these things, I have realized that the human body is a fantastic machine capable of healing and repairing itself, given that you provide it with the proper and balanced nutrition and lifestyle it needs. You have to eat food that the human biological organism was meant to ingest, and get enough rest and sleep to allow the body to work on repairing itself.

The reason why modern man has so many diseases is that it has gone so far away from the natural ways that our body was meant to live. We always eat processed, preserved and cooked foods. Cooking alone robs up to 80% of any foods' nutritional value. Enzymes and many other nutrients are destroyed by the heat and chemicals we use.
On top of that, modern foods also contain a lot of toxins and unnatural substances that can accumulate and cause disease.

And due to the the presence of electricity, our natural cycle of sleep and recuperation has changed for the worse. All these factors, we now realize, contribute to worsening health of the whole human race.

In pre-agricultural times, when humans have just began to populate the earth, their diet consisted mostly of fruits and berries picked form wild trees and bushes. They ate meat from freshly caught wild game. Then, when night-time came, ancient humans slept, and they awakened at first light. This was how the first people lived. Compared to today's lifestyle, the difference is very significant. That's why we're getting all of this sickness at younger and younger ages.

Chews4Health can significantly help us balance our diets by providing us with a nutritional equivalent of 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables per convenient and compact, chewable tablet. We now have the opportunity to provide ours and our childrens' bodies the nutrients that otherwise we'lll never get the chance to absorb in our normally busy, daily lives. Our bodies can now have the essential nutrients it needs to counter-act today's stresses and repair itself more effectively.

Personal Experiences

Chews for Hyper-Acidity

I have hyper-acidity. I usually take proton pump inhibitors like Losec or Ranitidine for it, and I usually have to wait at least 20 minutes for it to take effect. But during one attack, I didn't have any with me so I tried the Chews that my friend Paul gave me. No kidding, the pain disappeared almost instantly and didn't come back for that day. Paul told me that one of Chews' ingredients, the sea-vegetable Bladderwrack, contains Alginic Acid, which is the active ingredient of some antacids. Its reacts with saliva to form a barrier in the stomach to protect the lining from stomach acids. The Chews4Health chewable is highly-alkaline, so it also helps in balancing excessive acid production.

Chews for Recovery and Recuperation

Some of the testimonials I read before taking Chews are those made by famous NFL athletes whose testimonials said that taking Chews4Health has helped them recover after games or practice, and that it has also reduced pain. I can really relate to this as I play badminton on the club level. If you've also experienced playing it, you know its not the "girlie" sport macho men of the previous generation made it out to be. It's a game that's actually quite hard on the body since it involves the whole body, making quick stop and go movements. Its particularly hard on the knees and legs. Before Chews, my back and legs would usually ache the morning after a game session. My friend Paul, who's overweight would complain even more. But after only a few days of regularly taking Chews, I noticed that I did not felt "beat-up" the next day after games sessions. I also noticed during game play that I had more flexibility and stamina. Adding greatly to my performance on the court by helping me have more, better quality plays... At my age, I'm already 40, you really notice these things. ;)

Chews for Good Skin

One common thing I've seen with Chews4Health users is that they have healthier looking skin than before they started taking it. They seemed to have this more youthful, healthy glow that is really noticeable. Even some of my older co-members seem to have lesser wrinkles. One of my members, a British male, I remember, used to look quite pasty and pale. Two weeks after he got his Chews,  we saw each other and I was surprised with the dramatic improvement. His skin now looks healthier and rosy.

For me, as I ride a motorcycle, I've always had dry-ish skin on the arms that you can "draw" on with your fingertips. Light scratches would often leave white marks. As I've never changed anything in my diet and skin care (I never use skin creams or moisturizers, don't like the feel), I can only attribute my healthier, properly moist skin to Chews4Health. I've also seen some testimonials online where Chews helped with their acne and discoloration. Even skin doctors stand by the product. In fact, It has been awarded as the "Best New Anti-Aging Product" by the " Beauty Spaces" TV Show in the U.S.


I've seen and felt the good effects myself. My family's now also enjoying the many benefits of Chews4Health, so I'm actively sharing the good news.

Now YOU have the knowledge that can make a significant difference in the lives and health of you and your family.

For less than the price of high-end coffee per day, you and your loved ones can now have healthier, better perfoming and recovering body-organism to enjoy for a longer time. THE CHOICE IS NOW YOURS. Call or email me now so we can discuss how.

Cheers! :)

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